
Emergency backup plan makes for smoother ride


John Mayleben, CPP, is a consultant to Michigan Retailers Association and is MRA’s retired senior vice president technology and new product development. He is a national expert on electronic payment processing and was the first person in Michigan and among the first in the nation to receive the Certified Payments Professional (CPP) designation from the national Electronic Transactions Association.

Another one (in 76 million) bites the dust

by Tom Scott, MRA Senior Vice President Communications and Marketing

Note: Publisher Jim Hallan invited Michigan Retailer Editor Tom Scott to use his column for a farewell on the eve of retirement after 24 years with MRA.

Michigan retail sales jumped in May

LANSING – Michigan retailers posted their strongest performance of the year in May, pushing up sales by 12 points on the Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.