As we kick off 2024, I thought it might be helpful to provide a quick rundown of some of our services so you can take full advantage of your MRA membership in the new year. As always, our team of 33 employees is here to help you with any part of your business. May your 2024 be prosperous and we look forward to helping you achieve that success.
The MRA Foundation will award 13 $3,500 college scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. Our goal has always been to provide educational support to our members, their dependents, and employees, and we’re pleased to provide a total of $45,500 this year. The application deadline is April 1, visit our website to apply.
Are you on our workers’ compensation program and also on another service such as credit card processing? If so, we have good news, you qualify for an extra 10% off your workers’ compensation premium. We call it our affiliated discount.
Policyholders that obtain workers’ compensation insurance through Retailers Insurance Company get the best coverage available, with increased employers’ liability limits and free cyber coverage. We can even help you find an independent agent.
Do you hate credit card fees? We do too. Consider reducing your costs by enrolling in our surcharge program. Merchants that switch to surcharging save an average of 75% on credit card fees.
Do you need help with a regulatory issue, or perhaps a liquor license? Use our Ask Us First service and let us help. Simply email us at askusfirst@retailers.com and have our experts go to work for you!
Keep an eye out for our year-end legislative report. We mail hardcopies to every member. The legislative team at MRA spends the entire year protecting your business from burdensome laws. Be sure to read up on our 2023 legislative accomplishments.
We’re thankful to count you as a member, and we’re here to help your business grow.