Michigan Retailer, Nov./Dec. 1991
Vol. 16, No. 6
The “Yule Save Here” Campaign was promoted from 1991-1996.
Nearly mirroring the Buy Nearby campaign created in 2013, the 1991 holiday season push for shoppers to spend their money at local businesses, titled “Yule Save Here,” was no small feat. With mail-order catalogs thriving, Michigan businesses were drastically seeing the effects of this newly popular type of shopping.
And truly, the importance of shopping in-store remains as relevant as 30 years ago. In fact, if you swapped “mail-order” with “online order” in this article, you could entirely re-use it today. Retailers are flexible and their personal, customer service before and after the sale, can’t be met by an online robot simply taking your money. There are no wait or delivery times when you shop in-store, and Michigan’s retailers are always willing to find what you’re looking for.
It’s front and center: Dollars spent here stay in our community! Support local shops and Keep Your Money in Michigan©!