Downtown Mackinaw City was today named the winner of the second annual Buy Nearby Grant, a $7,500 grant sponsored by Great Lakes, Michigan Jobs.
A competitive grant, Mackinaw City developed a program to match customers’ dollars with grant dollars and give Mackinaw City the chance to promote a “Buy One Get One” Deal of $50 MAC CA$H Gift Receipts to be spent at downtown retailers and businesses.
The MAC CA$H BOGO deal will be used to boost fall and winter marketing and purchases at Mackinaw City’s Downtown or downtown adjacent retailers, confectionaries, and restaurants. While Mackinaw City has a bustling downtown that can see nearly 10,000 visitors on any given night in the summer, off-season population sits at roughly 850. With the MAC CA$H BOGO deal, consumers are offered an opportunity to double their spending power – helping local retailers weather the slow season.
“The Village of Mackinaw City is committed to increasing the social and economic year-round viability of our community. With the Michigan Retailer Association’s partnership and investment in the MAC CA$H program, the gift of our downtown businesses can be given at any time,” said Dean Martin, Community Development Director & Zoning Administrator. “When customers use MAC CA$H, they are not just spending money at a local business, but spending time in the culture, heritage, and beauty of Mackinaw City.”
“We are proud to support retailers in Mackinaw City during their most challenging season,” said MRA President and CEO Bill Hallan. “While many consider Mackinaw City and its neighbors as a summer paradise, we are proud to support Mackinaw City retailers through the Buy Nearby Grant during the fall and winter months when the beauty of each season makes it a destination for shopping and outdoor recreation.”
Fall in Mackinaw City offers visitors an opportunity to check out the changing leaves, the clearer, darker night skies at the International Dark Sky Park and make shoulder-season stays in Mackinaw City an annual tradition.
“We are honored and excited to receive this generous Buy Nearby grant from the Michigan Retailers Association. This funding will play a pivotal role in bolstering our efforts to promote local businesses in Mackinaw City and make a tangible impact on our community,” said Amy Millard, Executive Director of the Greater Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce. “Our MAC CA$H program allows individuals from anywhere to give the gift of Mackinaw and is a perfect way to show their support by spending their certificates at our unique retailers, artisans, eateries, and attractions.”
The grant for Mackinaw City was funded by Great Lakes, Michigan Jobs. Great Lakes, Michigan Jobs is a diverse coalition of Michigan residents and organizations that support building the Great Lakes Tunnel.
“GLMJ is committed to keeping Line 5 open and building the Great Lakes Tunnel as they are critical components of our state’s and region’s energy infrastructure,” said Michael Alaimo, GLMJ Steering Committee Member and Environmental & Energy Affairs Director at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. “We are proud to sponsor this year’s Buy Nearby grant for Mackinaw City as part of that mission towards energy independence and economic prosperity.”
Those interested in learning more about the MAC CA$H program, purchasing certificates, and contributing to the success of our local business community, visit www.MackinawChamber.com/mac-cash.