Organized Retail Crime continues to rise and impact your stores. The National Retail Federation has designated today as Fight Retail Crime Day urging retailers, workers, and shoppers to advocate for effective solutions to stop retail crime.
At MRA, we stand dedicated to stopping this trending fraud.
Join the Fight
Michigan took a stand, now tell Congress to step up.
Retailers and consumers are uniting as one voice to urge Congress to back legislation that will enhance community safety. The bipartisan Combating Organized Retail Crime Act (CORCA) is a sensible solution that will benefit retailers and local communities by amplifying resources and coordination among federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to address ORC.
Tell your representatives to support CORCA today!
Recap: Michigan’s 2022 Trifecta Win
In July 2022, all three of MRA’s Organized Retail Crime (ORC) initiatives were signed into law. The three-pronged approach included the INFORM Act, strengthened penalties for those committing ORC, and funded the creation of an ORC unit and multi-agency taskforce under the Attorney General.
That isn’t the end. We can all band together to fight Organized Retail Crime.
Tools and Resources
Retailers with evidence of organized retail fraud are encouraged to email the ‘FORCE’ Team at MSP-FORCE@michigan.gov.
Join the Michigan Organized Retail Crime Association (MI-ORCA), a statewide crime-fighting partnership that MRA helped create, that allows private and public partners to communicate about criminal activity impacting business on a real-time basis. The MI-ORCA website is a secured, members-only, website that provides current reporting of organized retail crime. Membership is free and retail partners have an opportunity to input information from crimes occurring in their stores that is used to create mapping patterns, aid investigations, and identify fencing operations. Law enforcement partners also have access to provide the retailers with information and alerts. This Association transcends traditional communication channels between private and public sectors. This ensures an organized method of coordinating resources to expedite intelligence sharing.