As the state allows retailers to reopen their doors, we’ve compiled relevant information in a guide to try to make it easier for you to comply with the many new health and safety requirements.
The Governor’s Orders require many safety precautions prior to opening. If you aren’t ready to open your doors, that’s ok. Wait until you are ready and can open safely. What’s important and what we strongly encourage is that you take the time to implement the safety precautions properly.
These requirements will be enforced by the new COVID-19 Office of Worker Safety within the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA). The agency is tasked with enforcing and monitoring workplaces for compliance and posting information on businesses that do not comply. So we urge you to pay careful attention to the many new requirements and follow them as closely as you can.
Stores will be selling in new and different ways which changes the shopping experience for customers too. First and foremost, we know you want to keep your employees safe. Now is a great time to review de-escalation tactics should they be confronted with agitated customers.
We also encourage you to prepare for the potential that there could be a second wave. Consider developing more of an online presence and alternatives to in-person shopping. If you have questions about reopening or government requirements, email us at AskUsFirst@retailers.com.