by Ally Nemetz, Director, Customer Service and Data Administration
Quick notes on key services. Call 800.563.5981 for credit card processing assistance or 800.366.3699 for other matters. We value your membership and trust. Let us know whenever we can help with your question or problem, no matter how large or small.
Open Enrollment for Dental
The Open Enrollment period for Retailers Insurance Company dental plans starts May 1 and runs through June 15, with an effective date of July 1, 2017. Eligible employees and dependents have the opportunity to enroll for coverage during this time. To learn more, please contact our office at 800.366.3699, ext. 681.
Explanation of Benefits
Members of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s group and individual plans will no longer receive paper explanation of benefits (EOB) statements in the mail for medical services when the Amount You Pay shown on the statement is $0. Members can still view their EOB statements for the last two years at bcbsm.com or through their mobile app.
The exceptions to this change are members who have Federal Employee Program, Medicare Advantage, Michigan Education Special Services Association, dental or vision coverage, or are a part of a FlexLink group.
If any member insists on having a paper EOB mailed to them, please call the Customer Service number located on the back of the Blue Cross ID card.
Free Medicare Options Seminar
If you are turning 65 within the next year or recently turned 65, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to expand your understanding of Medicare and your Supplemental Coverage Options, courtesy of our highly trained Medicare advisory team. You do not need to be Medicare age to attend this free seminar.
There are multiple dates to choose from, including April 19, 1–3 p.m. and August 23, 1–3 p.m. They will be held at Michigan Dental Association (MDA) Headquarters, 3657 Okemos Road, Okemos.
To register for the seminar, or to schedule a meeting with Rick Seely of our Medicare advisory team, please call Denise Wyzywany at 877.906.9924, ext. 450, or email her at denise@mdaifg.com.