Defining a good profit margin
Although a retail store’s typical initial markup on merchandise could be 40 percent or more, actual profitability takes into account all expenses, such as payroll, rent, utilities, insurance and advertising.
MRA promotes credit card processing expert
LANSING – Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) announced the promotion of Darcy Gates CPP, one of MRA’s expert staff members in the increasingly complex merchant processing arena, to Manager of Sales Support.
Lynch Sales Company receives Centennial honors
GRAND RAPIDS, MI – Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) presented a special plaque and certificate to Lynch Sales Company in Grand Rapids in honor of the company’s 100th anniversary.
MRA President and CEO James P.
Michigan retail sales, forecasts slip in November
LANSING – Despite improved conditions for the start of holiday shopping, Michigan retailers ended November with lackluster sales, according to the Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
MRA names Southeast Michigan representative
LANSING – Miranda Piersol, an Oakland County resident with solid experience in sales and retail, has joined Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) as business development representative in Southeast Michigan.
She becomes the key local contact for members and prospective members in the counties of Oakland,
What happens to a store when the owner dies?
Ray Gronevelt and Mike McDonald, both financial planners with AAA Michigan, provided the following answer to this important question.
Every retail business should have a plan that ensures the business is secure in the event an owner or a partner dies unexpectedly or becomes permanently disabled and can no longer participate in the business.
Apple Pay changing payments landscape
Early signs point to ApplePay indeed becoming the predicted “rising tide” that floats all payment boats, at least the contactless ones.
With the recent rollout of Apple’s new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,
Retailers praise lawmakers for passage of Main Street Fairness
LANSING – James P. Hallan, president and CEO of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA), issued the following statement following legislative approval of Michigan Main Street Fairness legislation that MRA has strongly advocated for years:
“We are extremely pleased that lawmakers passed Main Street Fairness legislation,
Governmental Affairs News: December 19, 2014
Lame-duck session ends after passing Main Street Fairness
The 97th Michigan Legislature wrapped up its lame-duck session shortly before 7 a.m. today and delivered a huge victory for retailers before adjourning.