
Working better with vendors

The following advice on working with vendors comes from Bob Negen of Whizbang Training in Grand Haven.
Now is a great time to work hard at creating close and personal relationships with your vendors.

Governmental Affairs: May 22, 2015

House and Senate divide over summer break

All legislators took a one-week break this week, but the Senate returns on June 30 for a few weeks as it considers legislation to improve roads.

Michigan retailers remain upbeat

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ sales forecasts remain strong for late spring and early summer, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Retail sales and forecasts rising in spring

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ sales and forecasts both rose in April, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index survey, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Legislators trying to discourage taxpayers from appealing property assessments

LANSING – Legislation approved by the House Tax Policy Committee today is a backhanded attempt to discourage taxpayers from appealing their property assessments, Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) said today.

“We’re disappointed that lawmakers failed to take into consideration the concerns expressed by taxpayers and reported out a deeply flawed bill that would turn the appeals process on its head and drive up taxes,” said Amy Drumm,

Handling cranky customers

Cranky customers are an inevitable part of doing business with the public. Knowing how to handle these customers can help you save time and energy and spare yourself personal upset.

Governmental Affairs: May 8, 2015

Aftermath of Prop 15-1’s failure: fast search for “Plan B”

Voters resoundingly rejected Proposal 15-1 on Tuesday. The proposal to amend the Michigan Constitution to increase the sales tax by one cent and adopt other measures to fund road repairs received approval from only 20 percent of voters.

Governmental Affairs: April 24, 2015

Annual legislative reception another success

Michigan Retailers Association held its annual legislative reception on Tuesday and had excellent attendance. Thirty-two legislators attended, including Speaker of the House Kevin Cotter and Senate Minority Leader Jim Ananich,

How to create effective store window displays

Creative window displays are an ideal way to set your business apart from the competition. Windows are the billboard of your store, according to Tony Camilletti, of store-design firm JGA Inc.