
Working with customers who are “just looking”

Research shows that only about 20 percent of shoppers will tell you what they’re looking for right away, according to Richard Fenton, of Accelerated Performance Training, a professional speaker and trainer specializing in the retail industry.

Sales forecasts cool slightly after hot July

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ sales forecasts through October slipped slightly after solid sales in July, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Buy Nearby Campaign Promotes Mobile-Friendly Website, New #ibuynearby Photo Contest

Economies in local communities and all of Michigan benefit when shoppers Buy Nearby

LANSING, Mich. – A mobile-friendly website that helps retailers and their customers find ways to promote buying nearby to support the economy in local communities and the state of Michigan has been launched by the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA).

Shoppers Urged to Buy Nearby, Support Northern Michigan Retailers This Summer and Year-Round

Traverse City Businesses Join Buy Nearby Guy Ahead of Downtown Street Sale

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — Northwest Michigan business owners from Traverse City today joined James P. Hallan of the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) to remind residents that where they spend their shopping dollars during Friday’s Downtown Street Sale and throughout the year matters a great deal to Michigan’s local communities and state and local economies.

Small MasterCard change could create big upset

“2015: Year of Change” keeps living up to its billing.

Amongst all the chatter and conversation about EMV, Chip cards, NFC and ApplePay, along comes MasterCard with an announcement that could create even more serious churn in the credit card authorization world.

Michigan retailers’ sales and forecasts rise

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ sales rebounded in June and expectations remained strong for the rest of summer, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Governmental Affairs: June 22, 2015

House and Senate divide over summer break

All legislators took a one-week break this week, but the Senate returns on June 30 for a few weeks as it considers legislation to improve roads.

Shoppers Urged to Buy Nearby, Support Michigan Communities this Festival Weekend

Lansing businesses join Buy Nearby Guy at Zoobie’s Old Town Tavern

LANSING, Mich. — Old Town business owners in Lansing today joined James P. Hallan of the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) to remind residents that where they spend their shopping dollars this festival and Father’s Day weekend and throughout the year matters a great deal to Michigan’s local communities and state and local economies.

Michigan retailers expect summer sales gains

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ summer sales forecasts remain strong despite a dip in sales in May, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.