
English Gardens on giving back and educating others

English Gardens stakeholders

‘Tis the season of giving, but English Gardens, with six locations in the southeastern portion of the state, donates year-round.

With goals of helping out local causes and organizations,

Winter slips, trips, and fall safety tips

Winter slips


  • Wear proper foot gear
  • Take smaller steps when walking
  • Walk slowly and never run on icy ground
  • Keep both hands free for balance rather than in your pockets
  • Use handrails from start to finish
  • Avoid carrying loads
  • Keep your eyes on where you are going
  • Test potentially slick areas by tapping your foot on them
  • Step –

Looking to reduce shrink in the new year?

The answers may lie in your POS system.
Top five ways your POS can eliminate problem areas in your business.


With all the disruptions experienced over the past year,

2022 Predictions to note

2022 Predictions

Eight in 10 consumers will see the world as ALL digital

Consumers have rapidly increased their technology adoption and usage in the COVID-19 pandemic, with 63% of U.S. online adults saying that they completed a new activity online,

VIP expands its very important mission in the community

VIP Volunteer cuts wood

When the tough gets going and encounters a pandemic, the tough change course. How VIP mapped a new course for the future.

Photos VIP

There has been much focus on how small business owners have adjusted,

A mother keeps her promise by helping thousands

Judy Burns, Friends Together


For 26 years, Friends Together has been there for people who are battling cancer, whether that means providing transportation to medical appointments or finding a place where they can talk about their experiences.

Legally Speaking: Filling the employee void and the youth employment standards act

By TOM CLEMENT, MRA VP, Operations and General Counsel

The two most pressing issues in today’s retail market are a consistent lack of employees and a sluggish supply chain.

Creative ways to involve your business in your community

Involve your community


Whether you’ve been involved in your community for years or wishing your business would “do more,” here’s a list of ideas to help you refresh and fuel your give back efforts.

Predicting that 2022 brings hope

Jennifer Rook

Ah, predictions! Marketers like me love predictions. That and looking at trends. Trends and predictions are interchangeable. Reading predictions, especially presented by marketing think tanks is my industry’s equivalent to attending New York’s Fashion Week.