MRA reports November sales down from October, retailers hopeful for a boost from last-minute holiday shopping
LANSING, Mich. – Michigan retailers reported a decrease in November sales over October, but remain optimistic as shoppers use the final days before Christmas to buy holiday gifts.
The November Retail Index survey came in at 46.3,
MRA reports October sales down from September, retailers optimistic about holidays

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan retailers reported that although overall sales decreased in October from September, retailers are optimistic as they head into the holiday shopping season.
The October Retail Index survey came in at 52.4,
With September sales up, retailers optimistic for holiday season

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan retailers reported a large upswing in September sales over August.
The September Retail Index survey came in at 63.7, an increase from August’s 48.1.