Retail Index

Michigan Retail Association in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Detroit office conducts monthly research among Michigan retail and small businesses to determine the health of the state’s retail and its impact on Michigan’s economy.

September sales slow; GM strike a question mark

LANSING, Mich. – Retail sales slowed in September coming off a strong month of sales in August.

The September Retail Index survey came in at 42.7, a decrease from September 2018’s 53.9,

August shows strong retail sales

Retail sales have had ups and downs this year, but August helped make up for the slow periods.

The August Retail Index survey came in at 60.1, a decrease from August 2018’s 73.2,

Retail Index: Summer weather in July helps Michigan sales

LANSING, Mich. – July was a much better month for Michigan retailers, as parents started back-to-school shopping and summer weather encouraged shoppers to hit the stores after a cold, rainy June.