Retail Index

Michigan Retail Association in conjunction with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Detroit office conducts monthly research among Michigan retail and small businesses to determine the health of the state’s retail and its impact on Michigan’s economy.

MRA reports February retail sales rise again after positive December and January numbers

Michigan retailers reported a large jump in February sales over January, now reporting three months of positive growth since slower sales in November.

The February Retail Index survey came in at 71.0,

MRA reports Michigan retail January sales build on positive December numbers

Current January gauge

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan retailers reported an increase in January sales over December, now reporting two months of positive growth since sales were down in November.

The January Retail Index survey came in at 59.4,

MRA reports December sales increase over November

Michigan retailers reported an increase in their December sales over November, thanks in part to last-minute holiday shopping.

The December Retail Index survey came in at 54.7, a nice jump from November’s 46.3.