Payment Processing

Payment card liability shift leads to Three Card Monty

The widespread distribution of EMV/Chip payment cards and the October 1 shift of liability away from those with the latest technology have sure produced a lot of chatter.

Although much of the discussion has made for better understanding of the payments industry and security issues,

Small MasterCard change could create big upset

“2015: Year of Change” keeps living up to its billing.

Amongst all the chatter and conversation about EMV, Chip cards, NFC and ApplePay, along comes MasterCard with an announcement that could create even more serious churn in the credit card authorization world.

Apple Pay changing payments landscape

Early signs point to ApplePay indeed becoming the predicted “rising tide” that floats all payment boats, at least the contactless ones.

With the recent rollout of Apple’s new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus,