Best practices to avoid chargebacks and minimize losses

What is a chargeback?
A chargeback, also referred to as a payment dispute, occurs when a cardholder questions a transaction and asks their card-issuing bank to reverse the transaction.
Best practices to avoid chargebacks and minimize losses:
- Do not complete a sale if the authorization request was declined.
Michigan Retailers Celebrate a Decade of Buy Nearby Campaign

MRA campaign teaches consumers the economic benefits of shopping locally; if Michigan consumers redirected 10 percent of their out-of-state e-commerce spending to local retailers, it would add about $3 billion to the state’s economy.
The Benefits of Youth Employment

By: Randall Harrison, State Assistant Administrator, Labor Division, Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity
What is Youth Employment?
Youth employment is defined as the engagement of a minor 14 to 17 years of age to work by a person,