William J. Hallan promoted to Executive Vice President

LANSING – The Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) Board of Directors has promoted William J. Hallan to executive vice president, chief operating officer and general counsel.
Hallan joined the organization in 2011 as vice president and general counsel.
Shoppers Urged to Buy Nearby, Support Upper Peninsula Retailers
Marquette Businesses Join Buy Nearby Guy Ahead of Labor Day Weekend Festivities
MARQUETTE, Mich. — Upper Peninsula business owners from Marquette today joined Tom Scott of the Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) to remind residents that where they spend their shopping dollars over the Labor Day weekend and throughout the year matters a great deal to Michigan’s local communities and state and local economies.
Working with customers who are “just looking”
Research shows that only about 20 percent of shoppers will tell you what they’re looking for right away, according to Richard Fenton, of Accelerated Performance Training, a professional speaker and trainer specializing in the retail industry.