
Change your passwords like clockwork

We all went through the semi-annual ritual of changing our clocks recently, “springing forward” one hour for daylight savings time.

Fire departments have latched onto this twice-a-year event to remind us to check or change the batteries in our smoke detectors,

Gov’t Affairs News – tax appeal changes, paid sick leave, 9-1-1 phone systems and more

Legislature breaks for summer

Following a few hectic weeks, the Michigan Legislature has completed the budget and crafted an emergency funding solution for Detroit Public Schools. Legislators are now back in their districts until September.

Retailers’ sales and forecasts remain positive

LANSING – Michigan retailers’ sales and forecasts remained positive in March while slipping only slightly from the previous month, according to the latest Michigan Retail Index survey, a joint project of Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.