In their own words: Hastings Ace Hardware’s Jerry and Lyndy Bolthouse

When you think of a family- and community-focused business, Hastings Ace Hardware would vie for top honors. Parents of current owner, Jerry Bolthouse, can prove it. Gerald and Anna Bolthouse had 13 children,
Michigan Retailers announces 2019 Legislators of the Year

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) has honored two freshman lawmakers as 2019 Legislators of the Year for helping to shepherd through its top priority legislation: requiring marketplace facilitators to collect sales tax on third party sales hosted on online marketplace platforms.
Governor focuses on working alone in second State of the State address

In this issue:
- Governor focuses on working alone in second State of the State address
- Commission approves liquor packaging changes
- Changes to bottle deposit escheats introduced
- Pharmacy members please note: Michigan close to decision on carving out of the Medicaid pharmacy benefit from managed care
- Regulatory round-up
Governor focuses on working alone in second State of the State address
In the shortest State of the State speech in memory,