
New technology requirements and sales tax on gas déjà vu

In this issue:

  • Summer-long legislative calendar released
  • Senate committee reports e-prescribing, telepharmacy bills
  • Legislature approves delayed 9-1-1 technology requirement
  • Governor signs ban on sales to e-cigarettes/vapor products to minors
  • Déjà vu: legislature talks removing sales tax on gas

Summer-long legislative calendar released

It’s going to be a long summer in Lansing.

How the Grand Hotel remains current in a somewhere-in-time setting


For most of its life, the 133-year-old Grand Hotel has been a favorite summertime destination for Michiganders. But in the last decade,

Congratulations to 3 MRA retirees

Michigan Retailers will say goodbye to four retiring employees this summer, and three are happening on June 28! President and CEO James P. Hallan’s retirement was previously announced and will occur on Aug.