News Releases

Jim Hallan: MRA’s President and CEO reflects on his 34-year career


“What an honor to represent the retail industry,” Hallan said. “Not many people get to be a spokesperson for thousands of members. It’s your voice that hopefully carries the right message.”

Hallan has witnessed a massive transformation in retail since he joined MRA in 1985.

Attorney Thomas P. Clement named General Counsel for Michigan Retailers Association

LANSING, MI – The Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) today announced the appointment of Thomas P. Clement as its General Counsel, effective Sept. 3.

Clement is currently General Counsel for the Michigan Supreme Court,

MRA announces 2019-2020 scholarship winners

21 students receiving Retailers scholarships

MRA’s annual scholarship competition is awarding 21 scholarships totaling $30,000 for the 2019-20 academic year.

The awards are funded by the Michigan Retailers Foundation and contributions from MRA members and other donors.