News Releases

From CEO Bill Hallan: A Boomer brain drain also has its upside

MRA President and CEO William J.Hallan

By BILL HALLAN, MRA President and CEO

A topic that’s been on my mind lately is the impact of retiring baby boomers. At MRA we’re seeing the effect both internally at the Association and within our membership.

Michigan retailers report strong sales in January

LANSING, Mich. – Retailers in Michigan reported a steep increase in sales this past month compared to numbers reported in January 2019, according to the Michigan Retail Index.

The January Retail Index survey came in at 72.5,

Michigan Retailers announces 2019 Legislators of the Year

LANSING, Mich. – Michigan Retailers Association (MRA) has honored two freshman lawmakers as 2019 Legislators of the Year for helping to shepherd through its top priority legislation: requiring marketplace facilitators to collect sales tax on third party sales hosted on online marketplace platforms.