Government Affairs News

BIG Wins for Michigan Retailers in 2020; 2021 MRA Priorities

Amy Drumm, Senior Vice President of Government Affairs for Michigan Retailers Association

MRA Advocacy efforts paid dividends for members in 2020

By AMY DRUMM, MRA Vice President, Government Affairs

Now that 2020 is behind us, here is a recap of MRA’s significant wins for Michigan Retailers for the year and what’s on the docket for 2021.


Now that Gov. Whitmer has had a chance to sign or veto all of the legislation presented to her during Michigan’s 2020 lame duck session, below is a recap of the bills MRA was following and how they fared.

NEW MDHHS order includes retail capacity limits, worker protections

Under a revised order issued today, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) set capacity limits for all retail locations except those in Region 6 at 50% total occupancy.