You are the best advocate for your business and your employees. No one knows better than you what’s needed to improve Michigan’s business climate for retailing or how proposed legislation will affect your business and community. Legislators take your concerns as a constituent and local employer very seriously.
Grassroots political action by MRA members is vital to retail’s success in the legislative arena. Your personal involvement helps bring progress on issues affecting retailers and other Michigan businesses. Here are some ways you can get involved. For more information or help getting involved, contact MRA at
Get involved today
- Learn who your legislators are (see below) and their views on retail issues.
- Stay informed by reading MRA updates on legislative and regulatory activity.
- Keep us informed of the challenges you’re facing and what’s happening in your community. We may not know about it until you tell us.
- Invite legislators to tour your business and to attend community meetings and events.
- Call or write to lawmakers when important issues arise.
- Consider testifying before legislative committees on issues that affect your business.
- Share your views on retail issues with the media and on social media channels by tagging and interacting with elected officials.
- Provide your employees and colleagues with information on key issues, new laws, and regulations.
- Support pro-retail candidates by reviewing MRA’s Friends of Retail list ahead of elections and contributing to MRA’s Political Action Committee.
Writing an email or letter
One of the easiest ways to make your voice heard is by writing to your legislators. Here’s how:
- Include your local address (home and business) or write on company letterhead.
- Be brief, respectful, and to the point.
- If you are writing about specific legislation, include the bill number (if possible) and a short description. Tell what position you want them to take.
- Provide a brief description of your business and details on how the issue will affect your business in terms of sales, costs, employees, wages and benefits. Tell in your own words how you feel and use examples to illustrate.
- Close by urging them to give the matter serious consideration and thanking them for their attention.
Address letters to:
Find your Senator
The Honorable (Name)
Michigan Senate
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Find your Representative
The Honorable (Name)
Michigan House of Representatives
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514