Join us June 9 for Retail’s Night Out
How long has it been since you’ve been able to connect with fellow retailers, share insights, hear from experts, and network? Probably too long – which is why MRA is excited to be hosting our June 9 Retail’s Night Out event. Register for our early-bird pricing – just $50 a person – available until May 1. After May 1, individual tickets will be $75.
We know your time is valuable, so we’ve condensed the event and program into a half-day educational session packed with interesting topics and panels, followed by games, networking, and dinner in a casual setting. You deserve a night out and we want to make it worthwhile – and let’s be honest, it’s far from the same if we host a Zoom webinar. While technology is great and has allowed for creative workarounds when we couldn’t be together, we’re all a bit Zoom-ed out lately.
The educational session
Our keynote presentation will be on how retailers can take advantage of “The Roaring Twenties: Better Sales & Marketing in a Post-Pandemic Decade” presented by buyer behavior expert Shawna Suckow, CSP, CVP, CMP. Shawna will share her latest findings on where we are and what’s next including case studies to give you the relevant steps you can take now to be successful.
Attendees will learn how customers have evolved as a result of the pandemic, and what businesses need to do to adapt. She’ll share up-to-the-minute insight into the best ways to connect with buyers of all kinds. Discover what tools are working right now to break through the noise and stand out in this changed economy and world. Can’t wait for the presentation? Pick up a copy of her latest book by the same title but you’ll want to join us for her Michigan-specific insights.
To break the formatting up we’ll have two panel discussions, one on organized retail crime – it’s more than just shoplifting, and a legislative panel with leaders from the Michigan House and Senate.
Attorney General Dana Nessel has confirmed she will be joining us on the Organized Retail Crime Panel to talk about her work creating an Organized Retail Crime Taskforce and Business Protection Unit at the state level. She will be joined by federal, state, and local law enforcement representatives to discuss what’s happening with ORC and how retailers can partner with law enforcement to curb ORC activity.
For the Legislative Panel we’ve invited leaders from each party and each legislative chamber to share highlights of recent legislation and how an election year and redistricting chaos may impact the process and makeup next term. Senator Aric Nesbitt (R-Lawton) and House Minority Leader Donna Lasinski (D-Scio Township) are both confirmed to join us on the panel with more to come. The panel will be moderated by Kyle Melinn, Editor and Co-owner of MIRS, Michigan Information and Research Service Inc., which has been voted Best Capitol News Coverage by Insiders.
After 5 p.m. networking and takeaways
After 5:00 p.m. we move the party over to Lansing Brewing Company for a cocktail hour, strolling dinner, and games with opportunities to win prizes. This is where we’ll focus on connecting and networking. We’ve got some fun ideas up our sleeve on how to break the ice.
If the promise of networking and hanging out with your fellow retailers isn’t enough, you’ll want to stick around to play games to win prizes ranging from gift cards, to discounts, or free services. We’ll also have some additional attendee-only educational content shared after the event on hot topics like addressing the current labor shortage.