Since I wasn’t around for the roaring 1920s, I was hoping that now that it seems like we are entering a post-pandemic period (did I just jinx us by saying that?) that I’ll be able to experience the good times of the roaring 2020s.
Unfortunately, as my son likes to say, “…and the hits just keep on coming.” As I write this, Ukraine is under siege and Russia is not backing off. I just paid $4.50 a gallon to fill up my husband’s car. And it looks like supply chain issues haven’t worked themselves out yet based on the limited quantities of items I saw on the shelves at my local grocery store.
During a recent conversation I had with a business owner, I lamented about all these things. She just shrugged and said, “It’s just one more thing.” It wasn’t what she said that got my attention. It’s how she said it. Her tone was light, and her attitude was very “Dory” (as in Dory from Disney’s Finding Nemo). To elaborate, Dory’s attitude when chaos erupts around her is to calmly sing, “Just keep swimming. Keep swimming.” Whereas Nemo’s dad, who is in a perpetually state of panic, finds Dory’s attitude maddening.
I realized that in my rush to see life get back to normal, it occurred to me that perhaps my attitude lately is more in line with Nemo’s dad. With everything roaring around us, maybe just accepting things as they come seem to be normal now. When I think about the conversation I had with the business owner, I picked up on another characteristic that seems to be taking shape – patience.
When I think about what retailers around Michigan have had to endure over the past two years – and their customers – it appears that patience may be defining the new period we’re in. That and trying to stay in the moment. Why? Because who knows what will happen next week?
Maybe that’s what the 2020s have in common with the 1920s – living in the moment. Honestly, with everything that’s happening in the world, the moment is the best place to be.
It’s hard not to talk about spring without mentioning landscaping. That seems to be the theme among our featured members – landscaping and flowers. We also reached out to our favorite retail consultant to get her take on the state of retail. In our tip areas, we discuss the art of copywriting, John Mayleben discusses how to identify credit card fraud on e-commerce sites, Don Shampine covers remote worker coverage, and Tom Clement covers workers’ compensation coverage for independent contractors.
Mark your calendar – Retail’s Night Out – June 9, 2022 in downtown Lansing
We’re happy to bring you a new event this summer. This is your opportunity to network with other business owners to discuss the state of retail in our fair state. Reserve your seat for this half-day event.